
Another decent sleep apart from Liliya waking up crying from a bad dream in the middle of the night. Back in the van I would have had to get out of my cosy bed to sort out the kids but due to the configuration I'm blocked in by Al so it's now his job 😉

This trip involves much less driving which is handy given we've lost an hour of sleep and means we can have a relaxed morning. Being Easter Sunday the kids are keen to know if the Easter bunny has been. I explain that bunnies work during the daylight to hide eggs to make sure they don't get rained on so there was no mad rush to get up before them and go hiding eggs. It's not the easiest to try and entertain them though in a small space whilst getting the eggs out of the hidden compartment but I distracted them with a game of frisbee whilst Al went on hiding duties.

It looks like we might be lucky again with the weather and it's a 30 minute drive to Conwy castle. Liliya is very much looking forward to what she calls the princess castle rather than a ruin.

On the drive between places I often look up things were going to do or facts about where were going. I haven't needed to do this much on this trip so instead I look up some facts about the Welsh language. I had noticed Wales on its own its Cymru but when it's Welcome to Wales it's Gymru. It was interesting learning about the three different mutations depending on a certain set of rules but couldn't help thinking how odd some of them were. Saying coffee and tea for example is spelt differently to tea and coffee and one of the mutations is so rare it only happens to 3 letters and only in 4 different circumstances (I remember 2 of those being when a certain number was in front of them). Other than a handful of words I can't think my Welsh will improve much on this trip.

We find a place to park and go explore the castle, it's actually rather disappointing. There's no kids trail only a few boards dotted about, I think they just rely on tourists visiting due to being fairly intact. We certainly heard a lot of Asian and American people during our visit.

Once the kids were hungry we decided to go find a bench to have our sandwiches. We were sat in a mini park surrounded by flowers and vegetable patches but opposite was a shop that claimed to be the UKs largest seller of knight related gifts. I always wonder when seeing places that make such claims where they get their data from. Clearly somewhere in the UK has to be the largest but Al and I are calling bull on this one, most of the tat wasn't even related to knights.

After lunch we decided rather than finishing the castle we'd have a little walk around the town. There wasn't much to see really but we do like to support the local shops so when we walked past the bakery and the kids were apparently still super hungry we let them choose a cake and we wandered down to eat them by the sea.

We then did pass by an attraction claiming to be Britain's smallest house. The queue was quite long so we didn't go in but this one I believed more than the knight tourist shop.

After that the kids were well entertained once again by throwing rocks into the sea. Even Al and I got caught up in the action 🤣.

We walked back to the castle to finish up the tour, we needn't have bothered as it was exactly the same as the earlier section but we at least picked up a Welsh Christmas bauble for our collection.

The last time we all went to the cinema for mother's day we'd seen an advert for Kung Fu Panda 4 and promised the kids we'd go watch it so that's how we spent the rest of the afternoon. It was OK and had the kids in stitches for the rest of the evening and whilst trying to eat their tea at a line about inner peace that turns into the panda thinking about dinner and peas!

Tonight we're staying at a working farm and in the field right behind us are lots of pregnant sheep, there's also a very friendly cat called Thomas.

Our plan is to get the kids to bed early as we're climbing Snowden tomorrow. With the clock change as well it's certainly not going to plan with Robert 🙄. On the way here we drove past and could see the sides still had snow so the kids are preparing for a snowball fight.