Day 13 - Bordeaux - Anything but boring

First thing this morning our sleeping spot seemed a lot less spooky, we sent the kids on a hunt to find the geospot box and within a few minutes they've located it.

We've got just over an hours drive to Bordeaux and I make a french quiz for the kids to complete for a prize from the treat bag. They really enjoyed it and asked me to do them another one tomorrow.

We've managed to park pretty close into Bordeaux and the weather has cooled slightly so we decide to stick with our original plan and have a couple of days here since there seems like plenty to do. Firstly we hop onto the metro and head into the centre. I'm not sure if we just missed the nice area of Toulouse but Bordeaux is completely different and very grand in comparison. Our first stop is Europe's largest water mirror (I'm not sure how much competition it has though really) and the kids love taking their shoes off to run about in it.

Opposite in a grand building there is an Olympic exhibition so we pop in to escape from the heat for a bit and the kids enjoy playing some table football and table tennis along with watching some of the events.

Finally we find a post office to send a couple of post cards and I was really proud of Robert who asked for the stamps in French. He's been having lessons at school although so far it seems it's extremely basic but it's great he's willing to give it a go.

We enjoy a stroll up the little streets and of course find ice cream then jump back on the tram as Robert wants to go to a dinosaur exhibition.

I didn't want a repeat of yesterday's science museum experience so I was at least prepared that this was just a single room about dinosaurs but at least the topic was interesting for the kids. It wasn't very big but we spent over an hour there. The kids got to get very hands on, building a dinosaur, digging for bones, drawing, looking at fossils and it ended with a quiz show.

As you can imagine it was completely in French and we all had a key pad from which they're were multiple choice answers and the faster you were the higher your score. Now I'm neither an expert in dinosaurs or very good or fast at French reading but somehow Robert and I got first and second place respectively on our team. We assumed that was it a clap and on to the next part of the exhibit but no she called up the top three from the two teams to enter into the final!

We found ourselves on the stage in front of three coloured lights we had 10 seconds to read the question and possible answers then a pattern would appear next to each answer and we'd have to key that in, the fastest team got those points. We were off to a bad start as my French just wasn't good enough but we eventually got into the swing of things and only lost by one question so I consider that pretty good!

Next we decided to visit a digital art gallery that was inside an old submarine bunker, it was a seriously impressive venue for a show where the images were all projected onto the walls with the reflection bouncing off the water. Our show was about space and featured images taken from satellites and old TV footage. It was extremely well done.

By now it was rather late and we'd not eaten, it's still way too hot to want to cook in the moho and earlier in the day we'd walked past a food hall full of different stalls which looked really fun and was in walking distance of our moho.

Al enjoyed a Japanese curry, the kids had some chicken strips and I went for a burrata salad washed down with a Mojito (terribly made unfortunately). The food though was amazing with a really fun vibe about the place and we were able to watch a few of the Olympic swimming events whilst we ate.

Tomorrow we'll explore a bit more of the main square and maybe another museum but things have felt much better with the heat having dipped slightly.