Day 2 - Cologne means chocolate

We all slept really well and had a relaxed morning so didn't get to into Cologne until 11.30. We massively lucked out with the weather yesterday as its a grey autumn day today but still dry which is good as its quite a walk to the centre. Our plan is to visit the lindt chocolate museum, apparently I've been here before but have zero recollection.

The kids are beyond excited at the thought of free chocolate although after last year's chocolate museum in Belgium that had unlimited free chocolate they both realised there are limits and they have memories of feeling very sick after over indulging. The museum is broken up into different sections and the kids always enjoy a free quiz which helps them engage with the exhibitions.

Firstly they learnt all about the growing and preparing process and about which countries cocoa trees grow in.

This was followed up by the composition of chocolate and what other ingredients go into making the different types of chocolate.

Their favourite area though was the chocolate factory, they got to see the machines in action, melting, stirring, pouring into the moulds then wrapping.

The highlight of this was getting a chocolate fresh from the machine delivered by a robotic arm. They also got a free chocolate covered wafer from the huge chocolate fountain.

When we arrived we were a bit early and so we'd browsed the shop and had promised the kids they could choose some of the lindor flavours from the pick n mix section, on this level however the kids could get their very own chocolate bar made and they decided that was much more interesting. They had to choose the flavour of chocolate they would like and then 4 toppings to be added.

Liliya was quite excited as we got to watch the lady making her bar.

Up another level and there was a room all about the history of eating and drinking chocolate and the final room was about advertising.

We had to wait an hour for the chocolate to be made so we decided to treat ourselves to something from the cafe. Following the loss of Liliya's hot chocolate yesterday she was very excited to get one, Al and I also needed to try one and Robert opted for a mocktail.

The kids got incredibly messy sharing a waffle as well.

It was time to collect the kids personalised bars of chocolate but unfortunately they got Robert's wrong and made it with milk chocolate rather than white so they said he could keep the one they had made and also make him another. He was of course rather happy with this deal so whilst we waited we walked over to visit the cathedral.

En route and after everyone was just saying how full they were post chocolate treats Al couldn't resist getting a German sausage which then prompted the kids to also want one.

When we arrived at the cathedral they were part way through mass so we were treated to a lovely sound from the organ even though we couldn't walk around.

The kids lit candles for their missed loved ones and with the extra time we took a walk through the shopping area.

Not satisfied with the sausages Al and the kids wanted to try the Berliner donut and I was very proud of the children who asked for them in German.

We managed to get a van sticker but failed to find a bauble to add to our collection and by the time we'd walked back along the river side to the museum Robert's chocolate was ready.

We ended up spending much longer than anticipated in the museum and we've got another 2.5hrs to drive so not only did we end up skipping lunch but looks like it will be too late for tea by the time we arrive as well so it's a good job the kids already filled up.

I asked the kids which day had been their favourite so far and they decided it was a tough decision as they really really like chocolate but did in the end choose the theme park, seems like if I need a cheaper day out I just need to buy them a few bars of chocolate next time 😜