Day 21 - Paris - Olympics

After thinking we'd done well getting both kids down Robert woke up and stayed awake for ages 😭

He didn't seem too bad in the morning though so the kids had the choice of a lazy morning playing at the campsite or meeting their cousins in Paris. They chose the latter so we headed to the station earlier, sadly we watched the fast train just pull away so had to wait for the slow train which took just under an hour to get there.

It's a bit cheeky as they've raised their transport prices for the Olympics and no reduced fares for children so it's costing €120 just to move about these next two days. We thought we were finished with all things cultural but we're meeting at the musée de l'Orangerie for a bit more art.

Getting off the tube I'm actually surprised how quiet the streets are. I guess people who aren't watching the Olympics are staying away from the city plus lots of the roads are shut so there are a lot less cars about.

The kids were super excited to see their cousins so weren't very engaged with the art however Liliya did make a comment about Monet's water lilies saying they didn't look very good and were just like blobs 😂

I hadn't actually appreciated that there were several large paintings rather than just a single one. I can't say I'm that good when it comes to artists but I had heard of a couple of others, they had several Picassos and some by Henri Rousseau.

It was a short but sweet meetup then we set off to go see our first event of the Olympics, stopping on the way for a couple of touristy pics.

It was quiet a trek to get up to the south arena and crazy hot but thankfully once we'd got to our seats it was nice and cool inside.

Even though we'd gone for the cheap seats the place wasn't huge so although we were at the back we had a great view.

The kids were a bit disappointed no one from team GB was participating in the women's 59kg weightlifting but we were rooting for Ukraine instead. She looked like she was going to be strong from her starting weight. Sadly she injured herself during the snatch and ended up in 7th place.

China came in first, Canada second and Taiwan third. The kids loved the thrill of it all and there were some close calls and no lifts declared by the judges which the kids thought weren't fair at all. It was nice that we got to see the medals being awarded along with some new Olympic records being set.

We knew it would be late by the time we got back to the campsite so looked for somewhere to eat before we got back to the metro, on the way up I had spotted a sushi restaurant so that was the perfect end to our first day in Paris.

Luckily we were able to get the fast train back but sadly the buses had stopped running and I didn't much fancy a 30 minute walk with the kids so luckily there were lots of taxis and we were back within minutes. We've got a very early start in the morning so hoping the kids get a good nights sleep as we need to be at the bus stop for 7am 😬