Day 23-25 - Estreboeuf

The kids had a decent lie in so they were reasonable little humans. The main holiday and all the adventures are over now and so we've booked a couple of days at a campsite for some chilling time. It's our longest drive of the holiday and we break it up with our final visit to a hyper market.

By the time we get to our site it's already 5pm but the weather has got hot again and the pool is open until 10pm. The kids have quite a dilemma, whether to choose the bouncy castle, park or pool first.

They opt for the bouncy castle followed by the pool where Robert is very excited because he's finally made some English friends. The next day is a repeat of the same only beginning with giant pain au chocolat.

There's bouncing then cooling down in the pool only stopping to get some lunch. The weather is still so hot so they do struggle to sleep and although I'm sad the trip is at an end I'm going to enjoy my air conditioned office on Tuesday.

We do notice on Sunday evening the stars look incredible although it was hard to capture. Our final day comes and we've got a half day on site so the kids mix it up with the pool first a spot of lunch then the bouncy castle but it's actually too hot for them so we all have an ice lolly then head up to Calais.

The kids enjoy the last turn of the alphabet game (you take it in turns to start and name something of a common theme beginning with that letter, we chose food e.g. Apple, Aubergine, Avocado and Apricot). This game has got us through many a car / train ride along with I spy.

The boat journey is very smooth and I manage to make it through customs without my extra bottles of booze being taxed.

The moho has done us well and we're looking forward to adding the other stickers we got from our Wales and Denmark trip now we're confident we're keeping it.

We forgot to record the odometer before setting off but estimate we've covered about 1800 miles.

We've made it back with plenty of crisps and there's still treats in the treat bag! The one thing we know we must get for any further summer trips is some usb powered fans!

We've already started talking about our next summer trip potentially going to Northern Europe though so they might be less important.

Team SM over and out x