Liechtenstein & Feldkirch

Today I wake up cold, it's not a bad feeling but I'm more reluctant to get out of the bed. We start the day with a short 15 minute walk to the photo stop on the swiss grand tour, seemed a shame to miss it after we'd heard all about it at Swiss miniature yesterday.

The views are spectacular, probably better than yesterday as the sun is rising and there is still some cloud below the height of the top of the mountains.

I download the app and turns out we're going to pass another in a gorge which is just a 5 minute detour so we also make a quick stop to visit on our way to Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein.

Something crazy happens whilst we're parked at the gorge, we get an email to say an offer we made on a motorhome last night has been accepted 😳 We'd talked before this trip about using this time to work out what we'd need in a new van, single separate beds for the kids being top of the list along with being able to stand up in the van without needing to have the roof up. As we've had a bit of free time in the evenings we just had a random look a few days ago at what was available not really expecting to make a bid this soon but it was a good deal so we paid the deposit and now just have to collect it at some point when we get back 😂. If anyone is therefore inspired by our trip and wants to give it a go send me a message, the van now has a lovely selection of country badges worth at least £40 which I'll throw in free of charge 😜

We arrive in Liechtenstein just after noon, turns out there is an open border between here and Switzerland, they also use the same currency and German is the local language, as is that side of Switzerland, in fact as we were driving here we noticed all of a sudden the road signs changed from Italian to German.

There were a few things I'd researched that were worth doing here, one being the city road train, we head over to book tickets, popping into the cathedral en route and have a free hour before our tour.

We do some souvenir shopping, the boys get an ice cream and we learn that there is a virtual tour of Vaduz castle being shown at the old cinema so there's just enough time to fit it in.

The country is a principality and the current prince and his family still live in the castle meaning you can't go inside or do a tour so this is the next best thing.

We then hop onto the train which takes us around the main sites (there aren't that many!) unfortunately the castle is undergoing some building work so the whole place is covered in scaffolding which makes the pictures somewhat less beautiful.

It's a wonderful town though, so clean with a perfect mix of modern and historic architecture, I'd highly recommend a visit if you're nearby. We only had 3hrs on the parking and felt it was enough to fit in what we wanted.

The post museum was free so we popped in to take a look at the various stamp designs over the years and buy a ticket to the treasures museum next door, unfortunately they don't allow photos so I just have this sneaky blurry one.

There was a beautiful selection of decorated eggs, including several faberge eggs. There was also a replica crown used for royal ceremonies and a piece of moon rock and their flag that had been taken to the moon.

I didn't really have time to log a proper run so I just did a longer route back to the car and returned to find the car recording 41°c!

We are just 20 minutes from Austria and we're staying in a town called Feldkirch right near the border. Although there is an official border with Austria once again there was no one around so we just drove straight through.

Our campsite is right next door to an outdoor waterpark. The original plan was to head there in the morning but even at 4pm it's roasting so we decide to cool off and enjoy it now, even better we get free entry as campsite users.

The pool is perfect, lots of shallow pools for the kids to play in along with slides, lazy river and even a diving area. Without hesitation Robert wants to jump off the 3m high board. First time he's ever jumped into a pool other than from the edge so fair play to him he's not phased by it at all.

One thing that hasn't got any better, and we thought it would, is the requirement of needing actual money versus using a card. We had to use our last remaining euros as a deposit on the swimming pool cards so we can't use the onsite shop and Al has to make a quick drive to the local supermarket.

Once the sun has set its a perfect temperature for sitting out, enjoying a drink (I'm able to get cider again and Al has a fancy Liechtenstein beer) and having a van cooked meal. It's pasta again as we only have a hob but the next trip (which might be sooner than the Olympics visit next year as it would be rude not to test it out right 😉) we will have a full oven so could cook a roast dinner if we were so inclined!

As we're finishing our meal there's a local football match taking place right behind us so the kids sit in the front of the van to watch the last 15 minutes.

It's now time to do some rejigging of the evening stops as we don't have anything booked and given we will be at the lake earlier than planned tomorrow we would prefer to get some of the following morning driving done tomorrow evening instead.