
The kids woke up in good spirits after a decent nights sleep, so much so that they were bouncing around and Liliya woke up our neighbours eager to visit and play with the dogs!

Today we're visiting the Ferrari museum, a trip for Al more than me but I'll enjoy the air conditioning at least 😂

Modena is famous for its balsamic vinegar and since Robert discovered a love for it with last night's meal we stopped into a small local shop to stock up on pasta, vinegar, cheese and prosciutto.

Turns out they're are two ferrari museums, one with the cars and the other about Enzo Ferrari. Since we were interested in the cars (and by we I really mean Al) it turns out that's actually in Maranello which is the next village along.

For anyone reading who is actually interested in cars I can only apologise for the complete lack of any interesting facts. Basically as far as I'm concerned we saw lots of cars, mostly red (although for purposes of making the photos more interesting I've added a selection of colours) 😂.

There were some interesting videos about the production process and samples of all the customisable parts you can choose when ordering your own version, even down to the colour of the stitching on the seating and steering wheel. To keep the kids engaged we got them to pick out what their ferrari options would be, both opted for a sparkly gold paint work, let's see if they are ever rich enough to afford one in later life 😜.

We did get to see a lot of the F1 cars that had been around the Silverstone race track and was cool to think Al and I have also run that track as part of a half marathon event.

The closest I'll probably get to a Ferrari is sitting in one to have a photo taken (then paying €25 for the 2 pictures!)

When Al had found this place online he'd seen a pink ferrari in one of the pictures, this was the only thing Liliya had been looking forward to, of course it wasn't actually there so she was most unimpressed.

Al did want to get something in the gift shop but with a keyring costing €75 and a mug €40 we'd have been the mugs! There was a shop across the road where we were able to get a sticker for the van though. No baubles although I'm ok with that as with the prices they were charging I would unlikely have parted with the cash anyway.

The original plan was to drive 1hr to a remote car park an hour from Milan where we are headed tomorrow but the temperatures are insanely hot and it's way more manageable in the air conditioned van so we decide to take the hit now so we're closer in the morning.

The van is recording 36°c outside and poor Liliya can't handle it, we've then got 15 minutes of driving hell as she's awoken from a short nap too hot and tired. We pull into the next service station to buy ice cold water and ice creams in an attempt to feel better, it takes a while but eventually she calms down.

30 minutes later and we're at our spot for the night, an abandoned school yard. Reviews said it had a playground so at least that's something for the kids to do before bed. Turns out the only thing still in operation is two swings but at least they have one each so they shouldn't fight.

At 6.30pm there are no signs of it cooling down, in fact we've now seen there are weather warnings of extreme temperatures for this area. Memories of the miserable weather at the start of the trip were perhaps not so bad after all.

The kids are now stripped down to their underwear and Robert has already found the free water supply to drench himself while Al is just about surviving next to the stove cooking up some yummy pasta.

When finding this spot earlier in the day (on which has been where we've found most of our sites), Al had read that Gradella is the most beautiful village in Italy which is quite the claim. We therefore decide that its now cool enough to have a little walk, apparently they have a natural fountain and a pretty cemetery.

It takes us a while to find the fountain and it was extremely underwhelming but they do have a beautiful church and the houses are very large, many of them are gated.

I'm not a football person but I have heard of Inter Milan, I'm guessing this isn't where future stars will train.

I do notice that the roads are beautifully flat though, perfect for an evening run, the only problem is how quickly it gets dark and by the time were back at the van the sun has already set.

I get ready with the head torch while Al cools down the kids before bed.

I only manage 1.5 miles as very quickly it gets rural and I'm a little out of my comfort zone running in the dark.

When I return Al has the bucket of cold water waiting for me but only my feet go in as Liliya earlier pointed out that my bum wouldn't fit 😂