Day 7/8 - Andorra

Yesterday was very much a chilling day so nothing much to write a whole blog about. The night before I had said they'd chosen to stay playing at the beach but turns out the band were playing until midnight and given we're right next door we popped in to hear them play and the kids were mega excited to get a slushi.

The next morning I told the kids they had to have a siesta if there was any chance of them staying up late again and that the only chance of them getting their daily treat was to enjoy a cheeky nap during the siesta. In the morning we all enjoyed some pool time and Robert joined in with the kids club pool games again, Liliya really wanted to but we explained you needed to be able to swim in the deep end without a floaty vest first which spurred her on to be more brave and practise more unaided swimming.

The siesta didn't exactly go to plan as after 45 minutes resting the kids were still wide awake, I quite fancied a nap myself so snuggled down with Liliya which meant she did fall asleep. Robert says he had a nap but we're not convinced, the loom bands I brought as entertainment have proved to be very successful and whilst Liliya spends her car journeys colouring Robert is making bracelets or keyrings.

Last trip out of the 18 countries visited I managed to run in 17 of them (I'd done my back in a few days before travelling so missed one of the earlier countries). It's been so crazy hot so far in Spain even in the evenings that I've really not felt up for running but given we've got access to the pool here for a post run cool off I let Liliya keep napping whilst I had a very short 1 mile jog just to log a run in Spain.

There was more fun in the pool and even a pool side disco, think of the locomotion or the macarena dances there were loads of them and all the Spanish seemed to know the dances. Robert gave it his best shot whilst Liliya looked on at them not sure whether she was impressed or not.

We had dinner around 9pm, we're definitely on Spanish time now but at 10pm I couldn't hear a singer / band so thought I could get the kids down to bed earlier after all. Liliya was having none of it and wanted to walk over to the bar to check it out. Robert sensibly decided he was tired and wanted to go to bed. I was hoping we'd see an empty bar but no Liliya was thrilled to see a guitarist setting up so we went to the bar to get out drinks then chose a table at the front. She definitely gets her party lifestyle from me 😂

After several songs I understand enough Spanish to hear him say he's getting a drink and I tell Liliya it's finished. She looks around and sees no one else leaving, she can't be fooled and suggests he's probably just gone to the bathroom. He does indeed come back after 10 minutes and apparently Robert is hot and can't sleep so he and Al come join in for the second half of his set.

He asks where we come from since he can probably tell that we're the only table not joining in with the singing and after I tell him we're English he does a lovely version of Don't look back in Anger by Oasis. Once again it's midnight and at least the kids go straight to sleep now.

Everyone slept well and we quickly get packed up as its a 2hr45 min drive to get into Andorra. Before leaving Robert asks if we can look for the kids club lady that helped him with all the translations as he had made a loom band bracelet for her 😍. Luckily we did find her and she was super happy to have the gift and say goodbye. I've been really impressed with both kids and them picking up some key Spanish words. They have been asking how they say certain things so they can talk to people and in our conversations we've been using basic words like, yes, no, please, thank you. I don't know any Catalan which is the national language in Andorra, followed by Spanish so we'll keep with one more day of our Spanish before changing to using French.

Originally we were planning on spending a couple of nights there but the two main things we wanted to do weren't open or appropriate. Frustratingly the spa which also features a whole kids section is closed and the activity centre with tree top walks and zip lines are all a bit too tall for Liliya, never mind we'll have to plan another trip once she's grown. Instead we've decided just to have a walk around the capital Andorra la Vella and perhaps make the most of the duty free shopping.

We're stopping overnight at a supermarket just inside Andorra, there's a huge car park designated for campervans as there's no parking in the capital. Google maps is usually our best friend these days when we need to use public transport but this was telling us we needed to walk 25 mins just to catch a bus when there was a stop just outside the shop. Annoyingly though the bus stop had no information about the times so I got to use my Spanish to ask a local and we were in luck as we only had to wait 5 minutes.

Once in the centre we were surprised how quiet everything was, some shops were still open but others were having a siesta. The kids spotted an ice cream shop within minutes so we let them have a treat.

There were a few nice things to see like the bridge and the melting clock but otherwise it's just shop after shop, I'm really not sure how they can sustain so many perfume and alcohol shops!

There were a few tourists shops but not as many as I would have thought and it was full of the cheap tat rather than hand crafted products so a plastic crappy bauble it had to be to add to our collection. We did also get a sticker for the moho and without all the leaks and trouble we had at the beginning we're starting to enjoy it more and will most likely keep it.

Robert was having his best day not only did we find two new prime bottles but back in Zaragoza he'd seen a teddy he wanted but Al said he should spend his money on something better as he's got thousands of teddies.

There was just one left on the shelf and I could see he really wanted it so let him get it, he'll be growing up in no time and have zero interest in cute stuff soon enough.

Liliya is content with a plastic keyring. We find the best value shops to get our perfumes and the kids enjoyed taking pictures along a street.

We saw a sushi restaurant on the walk into the centre so decide to treat ourselves. The kids are looking exhausted after the couple of late nights and all the duty free shopping but the idea of sushi keeps them just about going.

Annoyingly the restaurant doesn't open for another 30 minutes but on the flip side that gives us just enough time for a cheeky cocktail, in my case, in a local bar.

When we finally got the sushi the kids filled their tummies and when we couldn't eat any more they brought us a free gift on the house of some fried chicken!

Both Al and I agreed the edamame were the best we've ever had, rather than the standard warm and salted variety they were cooked in sesame oil. Definitely going to have to try that when we get home. Annoyingly we had quite a wait for the bus as it was now on the nighttime service but the kids were in bed by 10pm. I was going to follow suit but then spotted by trainers and remembered this was my only chance to log a run in Andorra as we've got to be up early tomorrow to stock up on alcohol and cheap fuel before getting to France for midday to go cave walking.